Promoting fairness and equality in construction: Addressing bias in recruitment & advancement. Learn how to tackle conscious and unconscious biases in...
Paving the way for women of color in construction. Discover the transformative power of diversity, inclusion, and limitless possibilities in the indus...
Building meaningful connections with other women of color is a powerful way to create a supportive community. Attend larger events, make authentic con...
Latina tech founders are still the most undercelebrated women founders & leaders. They have been working for years, but they rarely get similar attent...
Discover the true power of having a career sponsor. They advocate for you, protect you, and see your potential. Find out how a sponsor can impact your...
Being a woman of color in engineering comes with unique challenges. But by networking and building relationships, we can overcome isolation, learn fro...
Discover the challenges, opportunities, and progress for women in construction in this insightful article. Explore the efforts being made to recruit m...
This compelling data emphasizes the power of inclusive teams in driving exceptional performance. Studies reveal that inclusive teams surpass their cou...